NHSaves ButtonUP Workshop is a 1½ hour presentation plus Q & A about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful.

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Upcoming Workshops

NEWFIELDS – Wednesday, March 26

6:00–7:30P.M., doors open at 5:30P.M.

Paul Memorial Library
76 Main Street
Newfields, New Hampshire

light refreshments will be served

Hosted by: Paul Memorial Library
Presented by Ted Stiles, BPI Building Analyst

WILMONT – Sunday, March  30


WCA Red Barn
64 Village Road
Wilmot, NH

light refreshments will be served

Hosted by: WOW (Window on Wilmot)
Presented by Andy Duncan, Energy Trainer

ZOOM Meeing ID:  837 4613 7012

MADISON – Wednesday, April 2


Cormack Construction Management
46 E Madison Rd.
Madison NH

Hosted by: NH Homebuilders Association, Cormack Construction Management 

Presented by Ted Stiles, BPI Building Analyst



The Rey Center
13 Noon Peak Rd.
Waterville Valley, NH

Hosted by: The Rey Cultural Center, Waterville Valley Conservation Commission

Presented by Ted Stiles, BPI Building Analyst

PLYMOUTH – Tuesday, April 8


Plymouth Town Hall
(second floor meeting room)
6 Post Office Square
Plymouth, NH 03264

light refreshments will be served

Hosted by: Plymouth Energy Commission, Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative

Presented by Ted Stiles, BPI Building Analyst

BERLIN – Thursday, April 17

6:00–7:30P.M., doors open at 5:30P.M.

Berlin City Hall Auditorium
164 Main Street
Berlin, New Hampshire

Hosted by: Androscoggin Valley Energy Collaborative

Presented by Ted Stiles, BPI Building Analyst

PORTSMOUTH – Monday, April 21


Portsmouth Public Library
175 Parrott Ave
Portsmouth, NH

Hosted by: The Portsmouth Public Library, The Portsmouth Energy Advisory Committee and Seacoast Climate Action Now

Our Presenters

Ted Stiles

Ted Stiles is a native of New Jersey who went to college in Virginia and West Virginia. He had a 15 year career in education in New Hampshire before becoming a BPI certified energy auditor about 15 years ago. Since then, he has been involved in well over 1000 audits and energy efficiency projects. In his free time, he enjoys walking in the woods or the beach with his wife and dog, wingfoiling, skiing, surfing, climbing and other outdoor activities. The father of two boys in their early 20s, he lives in Stratham, NH.

Andy Duncan

Andy Duncan has given Button Up presentations all around New Hampshire since 2012. He has more than 25 years of experience in clean energy, including formerly co-owning an energy auditing and weatherization contracting business. At Lakes Region Community College, he manages training programs for energy auditors and other energy professionals. Andy is also a technical consultant for the NH Weatherization Assistance Program. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, School for Environment and Sustainability.

Host a NHSaves ButtonUP workshop in your community 

Would your town, business or organization be interested in hosting a NHSaves Button Up Workshop? The 1.5 hour presentation teaches attendees how to improve the energy efficiency of their home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs.

Learn about:
• Saving electricity
• Insulation and air sealing
• Energy audits & weatherization
• Rebates on electric and gas appliances
• NH Home Performance with Energy Star program
• Other utility and government energy efficiency incentives

These workshops are sponsored by the NHSaves utilities, are free of charge, and can be hosted either in-person or virtually.
As the implementer of this seminar, the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI) will provide you with a promotional kit. PAREI is now scheduling Button Ups for 2025. If you are interested, please contact Robbin Adams at r[email protected] or call 603-536-5030.

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