Click to become a member of PAREI and be a part of a community dedicated to building a more sustainable community. We have made PAREI more accessible by adding a $35 Friend level that includes an in-office energy consultation.
Membership Services

Home Energy Savings Consultation
PAREI’s motto is “Reduce before you Produce (Solar) Energy”. PAREI staff and energy advisor volunteers offer members the opportunity for an in-office energy consultation to review resources and develop a home energy savings plan. This includes discussing energy conservation tips and the energy efficiency programs offered by NHEC, Home Performance with Energy Star and other federal tax credit opportunities that can help bring down the cost of insulating your home and upgrading to energy efficient equipment and appliances. It also includes contractor referral suggesstions for heatpump installations, electric car chargers, energy audits, and Energy Star rated home construction. PAREI members who join at the $35 Friend or $75 Steward Membership Level or higher are eligible to receive this In-Office Energy Consultation. We can also discuss if solar energy is right for your home too. Please call Sandra Jones at 603-536-5030 x 101 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment.

Solar PV Installations
PAREI partners with a local electrician (Mauchly Electric) to install solar PV systems for residential buildings and local non-profit organizations. If you are eager to get started, the $250 Patron Level Membership includes an on-site solar assessment for your home that includes a shading analysis. From there we work closely with you on creating an estimate for your desired project, submitting utility interconnection approvals, rebate applications and seeing the installation through from start to finish. Currently, PAREI installs solar PV systems for the town of Plymouth and adjoining towns. PAREI does not provide solar PV installation services for commercial businesses or municipalities but can assist with vendor-neutral solar energy design and solar installer outreach, USDA REAP Grant Writing and advocacy efforts. When you become a $250 Patron Member, we will reach out to you to set up your site visit.

Solar Site Visit
A solar site visit is the first step to installing solar PV (electric) on your home; this visit will generate a solar shading analysis report. This report is used to determine your solar resource factor for your property and qualification for NH’s solar cash rebate programs. This visit includes reviewing your annual electricity use, learning about your utility’s net-metering program and discussing the cost and benefits of solar energy. As a member you can schedule a free Solar Site Visit by checking the box on the new or renewing membership form or by calling the office.
As a Patron Level Member you can schedule a free Solar Site Visit by calling the PAREI office at (603) 536-5030 x 101

Membership Newsletters
PAREI members will receive a newsletter listing upcoming PAREI, regional, and statewide energy and climate related events, new energy saving tips and resources, member sharings, and news from regional advocacy organizations such as Clean Energy NH. This newsletter is designed to help our community stay current on all things energy and hopes to inspire readers to continue to take action on their energy goals. To sign up to receive the PAREI newsletter, please e-mail: [email protected]

Energy Exchanges, Annual Meetings, Volunteer Work Days
A gathering of members will be scheduled regularly for inspiration, networking, film screenings, resource sharing and work days such as an air sealing project at a local non-profit organization. These events will be announced in the PAREI newsletter and sent to members by e-mail. The latest newsletter can be found on the bottom of the PAREI website home page.

Energy Consultation and Project Coordination
PAREI stands ready to help walk you through your energy efficiency project for existing buildings or new home construction. PAREI will bring together local resources to help you plan your energy project and provide funding suggestions.

Solar Tours
PAREI offers organizations, municipal energy committees, and school groups tours of solar installations throughout the Plymouth area highlighting different examples of equipment used and methods of installing solar PV.

Energy Advisors
PAREI volunteers willing to share their experience/research are available to PAREI members seeking energy related information, new home construction tips and sustainable living ideas. Members open their homes to help neighbors learn first hand about how to insulate a basement, an outside wood boiler, green building products, a homemade solar air circulator, greenhouse, chicken coup, composting toilet or a solar water heater. PAREI will connect you with a fellow member to learn first hand from others. Tell us about the information you are seeking and we’ll find the right person to meet with you at their home. E-mail [email protected] We’ll be back in touch soon with some options!

Home Energy Audits
PAREI will work with you to determine whether you are eligible for a home energy audit through the NH utilities’ Home Performance with Energy Star Program. For an additional fee, PAREI can arrange for an energy auditor to conduct a house walk through and blower door test that will reveal areas of your home that needs air sealing and insulation improvements.

Solar Water Heating Repairs
From 2005 to 2014, PAREI members installed over 250 Apricus solar water heating systems around the Plymouth region. The majority of these systems were installed through PAREI’s neighbor helping neighbor Solar Energy Raiser program. PAREI is committed to helping members keep their systems up and running. PAREI keeps controllers, tubes, heat pipes, glycol and other small parts in stock to keep these systems running. If your Apricus is in need of repair or you would like us to conduct a system check-up, please e-mail Sandra Jones, at: [email protected]