SCIENCE PUB: COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Changes, Projections, & Solutions by Dr. Elizabeth A Burakowski

Join us in the lounge at Walter’s Basin for engaging evenings discussing climate change solutions over drinks and appetizers. Climate change is affecting our natural world and the animals (including we humans) that inhabit our planet in many ways. We will focus on solutions to this global problem. Different scientists and organizations will speak for about 30 minutes with a lively discussion to follow. Bring your questions and plan to contribute to this community conversation on climate change.

Sponsored by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Conservation Society. 

Tonight’s Topic: Changes, Projections, & Solutions by Dr. Elizabeth A Burakowski, Research Assistant Professor at UNH’s Earth Systems Research Center & Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space

Be a part of the conversation about local climate changes, future projections, and climate solutions with Dr. Elizabeth A Burakowski from UNH.

Cost: No charge to attend. Order and pay for food and drinks individually. Seating is lounge style. For dining with traditional seating, arrive early to eat in the dining room prior to 6:30 p.m. when the presentation starts in the lounge.

Registration: Advance registration requested by calling Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 603-968-7194 x 7. Weather cancellations will be posted at