
Denise Hutchins

Executive Director
Campton, NH
Denise Hutchins is PAREI’s second Executive Director and brings a wealth of knowledge in the areas of marketing and communications, public relations, community relations, leadership and energy. She is looking forward to working with the community to build and expand programs that can make a difference for PAREI’s members and our neighbors in need. Being able to positively impact our environment and community is something she is looking forward to doing every day.
Prior to joining PAREI, she was an associate professor of practice at Plymouth State University’s Business School and also taught at Bridgewater State University in the communications program.
Denise began her career working in the areas of corporate communications and marketing for both non-profit and for-profit organizations including the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Conservation Services Group, and Triumvirate Environmental. She has a Master’s Degree in public relations and management communication from Emerson College and a Bachelor’s Degree in communication from Bridgewater State University.
Denise enjoys music, hiking, nature, animals, singing with the Pemi Choral Society, and attending New England Patriots games. She lives in Campton with her husband, two boys, three dogs, one cat, a turtle, and many fish. No partridge in a pear tree, yet…

Sandra Jones

Programs Director and Solar Manager/Founder
Holderness, NH
Sandra Jones, M.Ed is the founder of the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative aka PAREI (Hip, Hip, PAREI). Driven by her concerns about the economic and environmental impacts caused by the overuse of fossil fuels and her interest in solar energy and community development, she started PAREI in 2004 with Peter Adams and Chris Buckley. Since 2004, PAREI has been providing community based and professional services to inspire and assist the Plymouth area community to reduce and produce energy- one family, one building at a time.  
Sandra led PAREI in creating the solar thermal Energy Raiser model, their 1:1 approach with members to help them “Plan for their Energy Future” and the first in the nation Local Foods Plymouth (LFP) online farmers market started in 2006.  PAREI has also played a major role over the years creating and implementing programs and projects such as NHSaves ButtonUP NH, Energy Efficiency Training Program, Plymouth’s Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant, Plymouth Water and Sewer’s 121kW PV installation, Lancaster’s town installed PV projects, Regional Energy Hub and more recently NH Solar Shares Community PV arrays and LFP’s Farm-to-Community Food Share program. 
Sandra’s background includes directing electoral and educational campaigns, co-owning a bicycle shop and running a statewide career guidance program to help families move from welfare to self-sufficiency.  When not at PAREI you can find Sandra spending time with Tim and Dori, skiing, biking, hiking and “smelling the roses.”

Robbin Adams

Office Manager
Campton, NH

[email protected]

Since 2008 Robbin has been the office manager for PAREI. Dealing with day to day scheduling of events, member relations and office communications and management. Her interest in solar energy goes back decades when she and her husband Peter started to invest in various solar projects including a thermal and grid tied PV system on their home. Along with multiple smaller DC systems on the property.

Sandra Jones created PAREI in 2004 and Robbin came on as office manager in 2008.

Robbin has her BFA from Plymouth State College in 1983 and still continues to work as an artist as time allows. She was instrumental in creating two thriving art coops in the region: Artistic Roots in Plymouth, NH in 2004 and Squam Lakes Artisans in 2006. From 1991 to 2002 Robbin and husband, Peter owned and operated the Campton Inn a small bed and breakfast in Campton, NH.

Robbin has one son and she and her family enjoy cycling, hiking, sailing and snowshoeing.

Craig Cadieux

Small Business Technical Advisor and Volunteer Energy Advisor

Craig brings more than 15 years of experience in the clean energy field. He retired from ReVision Energy as a Solar Designer in 2023 where he spent the prior 8 years working with individuals, families, farms, and businesses designing solar, battery storage and heat pump systems. Prior to ReVision he was PAREI’s Energy Solutions Advisor providing its members with sound advice on ways to reduce energy consumption, build energy efficient homes, and produce their own. His early career was in Facilities Management where finding ways to save energy was always a high priority.

He has held certification by the North American Board of Solar Practitioners (NABCEP) for both Solar Electric and Solar Thermal and has held a number of certifications from the Building Performance Initiative (BPI) related to building efficiency. Craig has a strong building science background having designed and built net-zero and near net-zero homes. He is a strong believer that the cleanest energy is the energy that’s not used.

Craig heats his home with a wood pellet boiler supported by mini-splits, heats his water with a solar thermal system, and makes his own electricity with an 11.25 kW PV System. In 2009 when gas prices were racing towards $5.00 a gallon, he got tired of waiting for electric vehicles to hit the market, so he converted a Chevy S-10 to run with an electric fork lift motor and 18 golf cart batteries.

Dennis Winders

LFP Manager

Dennis brings a mix of hands-on experience, entrepreneurial leadership, and a passion for local food systems to his role at Local Foods Plymouth. He spent seven years building an oyster farm from the ground up, gaining expertise in sustainable aquaculture and managing sales for a collective of partner farms. This dual experience gave him a deep understanding of local food markets and how to connect producers with their communities.

Afterward, Dennis moved to Amsterdam, working as an independent copywriter and marketing consultant while exploring Europe in his free time. Now back in Plymouth with his wife, Ashley, and daughter, Arlo, Dennis enjoys backpacking, canoeing, fly fishing, and reading. His unique combination of farming experience and marketing expertise fuels his work at Local Foods Plymouth, where he’s committed to connecting producers and customers and empowering local businesses.

Tim Gotwols

Holderness, NH

Tim Gotwols started with PAREI at the first Solar Thermal Energy Raiser in 2005 and went on to host the 14th Energy Raiser in 2006 at his home that he shares with his wife, Director Sandra Jones. Tim has been an integral part of PAREI since its inception attending the majority of PAREI’s Energy Raisers as a volunteer bringing with him his creativity and expertise in construction and structural design. In 2007, Tim joined PAREI as a sub-contractor on PAREI’s professional crew installing the racking for solar collectors for members seeking professional installations. He joined PAREI as a part time employee in 2013 supervising PAREI’s team of part time employees that install solar racking structures. When not working with PAREI, Tim is busy running his own business, TG Design Carpentry. Prior to 2005, Tim owned and operated Bayside Bikes of Meredith and Riverside Cycles of Ashland for 15 years.

Sally Jenson, best PAREI Volunteer

Sally Jensen

World’s Best Volunteer
I am currently teaching middle school students about LIFE, in the name of science at Waterville Valley Academy. When I am not teaching, I spend a lot of special time, playing my clarinet in the Plymouth State University Symphonic Band and a bari saxophone in the Big Band Jazz Ensemble.   I also take voice lessons, as I am singing in the Pemi Choral Society, Mountain Lake Chorale and sing solos once in a while. I also work with teachers planning workshops on the current curriculum that is available with each mission exploring space. I am a NASA Solar System Ambassador and give presentations to the public and teachers on space exploration. In this adventure of working with teachers, I continue to find amazing connections in the world around me. Einstein said, “Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” Einstein has an eloquent way with words and gets at the very heart of it all. How fitting these words are with my work with PAREI, which I love. Another of my favorite quotes of Einstein is “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” How fitting as I continue my quest as a Solar System Ambassador and realizing how blessed we are on Earth as it is in the right place in our Solar System to sustain life and we need to protect that.

Michele Lacroix

Groton, NH
PAREI Bookkeeper

Michele has been with PAREI since March 2011. During that time, she has participated in a home button up project and been the site of an outdoor light Solar Energy Raiser.  Originally from Penacook, she has lived in Groton for the past 22 years.building and fixing things.  

Brandon Miller

Plymouth, NH
LFP Assistant Manager

Brandon Miller Assistant Manager Local Foods Plymouth since 2015.  Owner Lazy Acres Farm, Plymouth Soap Works and Plein Air glamping site.  Passionate about preserving local agriculture and New Hampshire’s unique way of life.  Likes dogs, goats, dairy products, skiing, hiking, building and fixing things.  

Caryn Shield

Plymouth, NH
NH Solar Shares Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator
I am very excited to be joining PAREI as the NH Solar Shares Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator. I recently moved to Plymouth from Vermont with my partner Bart, our daughter Raya, and our dog Kesey. We have loved getting to know the community and exploring all the beautiful places to hike and ski in the area. I have spent the last fifteen years as a Spanish and science teacher, and have also spent a year working at an outdoor school where students spent the entire day learning in and gaining appreciation for the natural world. In addition to my time in the classroom, I am also very passionate about teaching through gardening, and have started school garden and compost programs to allow students to learn about the local food system in a hands-on way. I also have worked as a Sustainability Coordinator, designing and implementing programs to educate the community about environmental issues and to reduce our footprint as a community. In my free time I love to explore the outdoors, whether on foot or on skis, grow and cook delicious food, and play music. I am looking forward to better getting to know the Plymouth community and working with the volunteers and Solar Shares participants to make our community more sustainable.

Board of Directors

Zak Brohinsky, Member of the PAREI BOD

Zak Brohinsky

PAREI, President of the Board
Pawtucket, RI
After interning with PAREI while in college in 2009, Zak arrived back in the Plymouth area in 2011 to help run PAREI’s Efficiency Training Program designed to build the ‘green workforce’ in New Hampshire.  Zak’s role changed when he stepped down as an employee and became a member of the PAREI Board of Directors, and Local Foods Plymouth Advisory Committee in January 2015.  In March 2018, Zak stepped into the role of President of the Board.  He has the unique position of experiencing PAREI from intern to employee to board member to president of the board.

Currently, Zak works as an open space, recreation, and municipal planning consultant with various entities across the Northeast including land trusts, trail groups, state agencies and municipal governments.  Additionally, Zak teaches at the university level.

Will Abbott

PAREI Board of Directors
Holderness, NH

Will and his wife Alicia moved from Henniker to Holderness in 1993, when he was hired to become the Executive Director of the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center.  From 2006 to 2023 (when he retired) he served as Vice President for Policy and Land Management at the Society for the Protection on NH Forests.  He currently serves on two other boards, as Vice Chair of the Lakes Region Conservation Trust and Treasurer of the VT/NH Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation.  Will strongly shares the PAREI commitment to advancing renewable energy, energy conservation, and increased reliance on consumption of locally produced food.  He is an avid gardener, enjoys reading political biographies, and relishes ambling walks in the woods (“horizontal hiking”). 

Kim Godfrey Lovett

PAREI Board of Directors
Holderness, NH

Kim is a passionate nonprofit executive who fell in love with the Squam Lake area in 2013 and became a year-round resident in August 2017. She is a co-founder of two nonprofit organizations that work nationally to integrate adolescent development research and practices into juvenile justice systems so youths receive the services they need to continue on the pathway to becoming healthy, productive and purposeful adults. She also is a passionate solar power advocate and proud owner of a solar array and battery backup system at home, thanks to PAREI.  She serves as the executive director of the PbS Learning Institute and led the transition that created the nonprofit from a fully federally-funded project into an independent, financially stable and now thriving organization. 

Dick Hage, Member of the PAREI BOD

Dick Hage

PAREI Board of Directors
Plymouth, NH

Retired from 46-year career in higher education administration.

Pat & Dick’s home is the site of a PAREI Energy Raiser (AP 30 Evacuated Tube Water Heating System) in 2011, an 8.4 KW Solar PV System installation in 2011, and a complete home Button-Up project utilizing the Home Performance with Energy Star program in 2013. Installed a mini off grid solar light pole in 2016 made at a PAREI hands on workshop.

Enjoys volunteering for all things PAREI and conserving personal energy for all things gardening and grandchildren.

Sam Howe

PAREI Board of Directors
Holderness, NH

Sam joined the PAREI board after many months volunteering as a “bagman” and “runner” for Local Foods Plymouth pick up day and with a longtime interest in sustainable energy. PAREI rings many bells for Sam, who loves to help shape development processes for worthy organizations. 

As a great-grandson of Rockywold-Deephaven Camps’ founder, Sam has been within the Squam Lakes summer circle all his life and now lives in Holderness year-round with his wife, Julie. Sam’s careers included secondary school English teaching, licensed psychological counseling, organizational development, and most recently college major-gift fundraising. Now somewhat retired, he has been a member of several boards but would rather brandish his ineffective flyrod over the wily trout and stripers around New England. Otherwise, hiking and biking keep him out of Julie’s hair. Sam and Julie have a daughter, Merra, a federal marine biologist and a son, Carter, a photographer and communications artist in Los Angeles.

MaryAnn McGarry

PAREI Board of Directors – Secretary
Plymouth, NH

MaryAnn McGarry is professor emerita of Plymouth State University in Environmental Science and Policy.  She continues to co-teach a Foundation in Environmental Policy course in the spring semester, offer Shin Rin Yoku (forest bathing) sessions, and give tree tours on campus and in the community.  She has lived in Plymouth since 2004 and PAREI installed solar hot water in 2006.  She is on the list for a rooftop PV array to charge her plug-in hybrid car, lawn mower, and mini-split.  She is converting her yard to perennials for pollinators.  McGarry developed one of the two required courses for the sustainability minor at PSU.  She loves living in a walkable community.  McGarry loves to ski- downhill, skin, and Nordic and bike, especially on Rail trail sections throughout New England.  She is hiking all the 4000 peaks in the Northeast and has completed all the high peaks in NH and Vermont so far, and many in the Adirondacks and Maine.

Lisetta Silvestri

PAREI Board of Directors – Interim Treasurer  
Holderness, NH

Lisetta previously worked at the Lakes Region Conservation Trust as the Land Conservation and Special Projects Director.  She is a senior fellow at the Environmental Leadership Program, graduated from St. John’s College, and holds a J.D. from The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. She is a member of the NH Bar and lives with her husband, son and their dogs in Holderness.

Carl McNall, Member of the PAREI BOD

Carl McNall

Sandwich, NH

On Wed morning March 11, 2020, we lost our long time board member and friend Carl McNall to cancer. Carl walked into our lives in 2006 when he learned that there was a hands-on group in Plymouth putting solar thermal systems on each others’ homes. Carl went on to host the first solar energy raiser in Sandwich in 2007 at his and his wife Milan’s home. From there he volunteered his leadership, plumbing and electrical skills at dozens of energy raisers in Sandwich and the Plymouth area through to PAREI’s last one in 2016. Carl served as board president and a board member for 13 years frequently citing his grandchildren’s future for his reasons for wanting to see our world transition to renewable energy. He was the constant voice of reason, a rock for our staff to lean on and had a smile and a sense of humor we will all sorely miss.

With the support of Carl’s family, the PAREI board of directors named the organization’s endowment fund the “Carl McNall Endowment Fund” so his passion for advancing the adoption of solar energy will live on in his memory.