Wed12Sep2018All DayFrosty Scoops in Plymouth, NH
NH Solar Shares array site prep at Frosty Scoops in Plymouth, NH near the Common Man Inn
Wed19Sep20186:30 pmSquam Lakes Association Fisher Family Barn 510 Rt. 3, Holderness, NH
Presented by PAREI and Squam Lakes Association
“Decoding The Weather Machine”
SEPTEMBER 19, 2018
6:30 P.M.Bring a dish to share, non-alcoholic beverages provided
Before the movie, a short presentation will be
made about SLA’s upcoming solar installation. -
Sat29Sep201810:00am - 3:00pmMascoma Valley Regional High School, 27 Royal Rd, Canaan, NH
The Canaan NHSaves Button Up Workshop is one of the workshops at this education expo. It will be held from 10am-noon.
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Local Sponsors - Canaan Energy Committee, Enfield Energy Committee, Vital Communities, and many others.
Refreshments – YES
Questions - Charles Townsend – chucktownsend@icloud.com or call 603-632-7493 -
Tue02Oct20186:30 pmNewmarket Town Hall 86 Main St. Newmarket NH 03857
Refreshments – Yes
Local Partners – Newmarket Energy and Environment Advisory Committee, Newmarket Area Centennial Lions Club, Jonny Boston’s International
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions –email Don Sanders ds2382@comcast.net -
Thu07Feb20196:00 pmRochester Public Library located at 65 South Main St. Rochester, NH.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Free Admission
Tue26Feb201912:00 pmOn-line -
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4895329628599675650
In 2018 New Hampshire launched a new Low-Income Solar Program. The program was designed in accordance with a state law directing that no less than 15% of the Renewable Energy Fund go toward benefiting low-moderate income residential customers. The first round of funding resulted in the development of three unique projects. Join us Tuesday, February 26, 12-1pm to learn about how these programs are spreading the benefits of distributed solar to low-income communities across New Hampshire.
- Sal Steven-Hubbard and Kara Lasalle of Lakes Region Community Developers
- Christa Shute of Vermont Law School Energy Clinic
- Sandra Jones of NH Solar Shares and PAREI
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Wed27Feb20196:30 pm175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth NH 03801
Presentation starts at 6:30pm doors open at 6:00pm
Where – 175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth NH 03801
Refreshments – yes
Local partners – Seacoast Renewable Energy Initiative, Portsmouth Public Library, York Ready for 100% and Sustainable Seacoast
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions - Matt Silva, 603-765-6648The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Commercial Energy Efficiency Trainings
Reduce building operating expenses and solve energy problems with this 1-day “Energy Efficiency for Commercial Building Managers” intensive training sponsored by NHSaves. The same program will be in three more locations around New Hampshire- Portsmouth 2/13, Manchester 3/1 and Plymouth 3/14. Topics range from LED lighting, cold climate heat pumps, air sealing, efficient motors, retrocommissioning and more. For facilities and energy managers who are C&I customers of NHSaves utilities. This intensive training highlights key points from Lakes Region Community College’s popular multi-day energy efficiency trainings.
Registration required and discounted $20 co-pay for advance reservations for this program valued at $160. Includes continental breakfast, lunch and course materials. Go to lrccwfd.eventbrite.com for more information and registration.
Wed20Mar20196:30 pmStratham Library/Municipal building located at 10 Bunker Hill Ave. in Stratham, NH
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Thu21Mar20195:00 pmPSU, Boyd Hall Room 144
“Current Revolution: Transforming America's Electric Grid”
(37 minute run time)A panel discussion will follow the film and refreshments will be served.
Sponsored by PAREI, Clean Energy NH and PSU
Fri22Mar20195:30 pmStarr King UU Church 101 Fairgrounds Rd Plymouth, NH
Are you curious about the internal workings of PAREI and their membership services and programs: NH Solar Shares and Local Foods Plymouth? Do you want to learn more about how the organization is run? Would you like to volunteer to help us fundraise, run a membership event or someday serve on our board of directors? If so, this annual meeting, in particular, is the one to attend. (No RSVP necessary).
Agenda: - 5:30-6:15pm – Potluck Dinner (bring an appetizer or main dish to share).
- BYOB 6:15pm Welcome – Peter Adams – Co Founder of PAREI The services and programs of PAREI
- 6:30pm Board of Directors Description – Doug Campbell, Outgoing Board President
- 6:40pm 2018 Financial Report and Accomplishments
- 7:00pm Roundtable Discussion
- Review of 2019 Goals
- A fun fundraising event New and different hands on membership workshop/event
- Creative ways to increase use of Local Foods Plymouth on-line and outdoor market - 7:45pm Ice Cream Social - A big thanks to M & M Scoops of Plymouth, NH for their donation of of Vanilla and Graham Central Station ice cream. PAREI will provide the toppings!
- 8:00pm Year End Fundraising Letter Donor Raffle will take place. One name will be drawn to win a Tough Tested 20,000mAh Solar Powered Battery Bank with Flash Light.
Tue26Mar20196:30 pmThe Blastos Room at Keene Ice, 380 Marlboro Street, Keene NH 03431
Where – The Blastos Room at Keene Ice, 380 Marlboro Street, Keene NH 03431
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions - Mari Brunner, mbrunner@ci.keene.nh.usThe NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Thu04Apr201910:00 amSouthern NH University, Frost Hall, Walker Auditorium 2500 North River Road Manchester, NH
The urgency to take action on climate change has become increasingly evident, but solutions are at hand that will improve public health, create economic opportunity, and strengthen our resilience as a state and a nation. This program will serve as a forum for discussion on current and future policy options on the local, state, federal and international levels to meet the global challenges of climate change. Keynote Speaker: Gina McCarthy, Former Administrator of the EPA and Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Chan School of Public Health This half-day conference will focus on public health, the business case for climate action, municipal initiatives on renewable energy, and international climate negotiations. Presenters include representatives from Clean Energy NH, CERES, NH Businesses for Social Responsibility, the City of Boston, Harvard Business School, Union of Concerned Scientists, Harvard Kennedy School, the Natural Resources Defense Council (full program attached). Sponsors: World Affairs Council of New Hampshire | Global Citizens Circle | Harvard Club of New Hampshire | New Hampshire Kennedy School Network | League of Conservation Voters Cost: $20 person, includes continental breakfast and lunch Registration: Register online through the World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
Tue09Apr20197:00 pmPSU, Boyd Hall Room 144
PLYMOUTH – The Sidore Lecture Series Committee of Plymouth State University is announcing that they will be showing the 2016 Leonardo DiCaprio documentary film on climate change, Before the Flood, on the PSU campus on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, at 7:00 pm in Room 144 of the Boyd Science Center. The showing is free and open to the public. Co-sponsors of this screening are the PSU Office of Environmental Sustainability and Common Ground, PSU’s environmental and social justice student organization.
Tue16Apr20196:00 pmWalter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness)
Talking Trash: Reduce Waste, Reduce Emissions by Charley Hanson from Resource Management, Inc.
For more information visit: https://www.squamlakes.org/events/science-pub-climate-change-solutions Join us in the lounge at Walter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness) to discuss Climate Change Solutions. Climate change is affecting our human and natural environments. Hear from people taking action to mitigate climate change consequences at the individual and community levels. Take part in a lively discussion after the presentation to discuss solutions we can implement at home and in our communities. Sponsored by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Conservation Society. Registration: Advance registration requested by calling Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 603-968-7194. Weather cancellations will be posted at nhnature.org.
Thu18Apr20195:30 pm16 Highland Street Plymouth, NH
16 Highland Street Plymouth, NH (the office building directly behind the post office on the common)
CCL is building political will for Congress to pass the recently introduced Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR 763). This bipartisan legislation is effective in addressing climate change (reducing America's emissions 40% within 12 years), good for people (improves health and puts money into people's pockets), good for the economy (creating 2.1 million new jobs), and revenue neutral (does not grow government). The meeting is at 16 Highland St, just behind the Plymouth Post Office. It begins at 5:30 pm and pizza and vegetables will be provided.
Questions? Call Doug McLane at 603-398-2827 or e-mail mclanedouglas@hotmail,
or Aimee Ruiter at 978-580-7616 or lakesregion.nh@citizensclimatelobby.org
Citizens’ Climate Lobby national website: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/
Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (HR 763) https://citizensclimatelobby.org/energy-innovation-and-carbon-dividend-act/
Citizens’ Climate Lobby Lakes Region NH chapter: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/chapters/NH_Lakes_Region/
Fri19Apr201910am to 2pmHartman Union Building (HUB) -PSU
PSU’s environmental and social justice student organization, Common Ground, will again be hosting an Environmental Fair on campus on April 24th (the Wednesday after Earth Day). 16 environmental organizations and associations – from both on and off campus have been invited to attend. PAREI will be hosting a table to share information about our membership services, NH Solar Shares and our weekly on-line Local Foods Plymouth buying program. If inclement weather, the event will happen inside the HUB. Please join us.
Tue23Apr201912:00 pmOn-Line
Title: Liberty Utilities Residential Energy Storage Pilot Program
When: Tuesday, April 23, 12:00 PMRegistration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4829530456071787021
This year, Liberty Utilities will install between 100 and 200 Tesla Powerwall batteries in residential customer homes as part of an innovative energy storage pilot project. Join us to learn about the program, the accompanying Time-Of-Use rates, the benefits of energy storage, and future plans to expand competitive options for energy storage across NH through "Bring-Your-Own-Device," or "BYOD," programs.
You will hear from:
-Heather Tebbetts, Manager of Rates and Regulatory Affairs at Liberty Utilities
-Chris Rauscher, Director, Policy and Storage Market Strategy at Sunrun
Wed24Apr20196:30 pmPlymouth State UniversityHyde Hall, Room 120
Paris to Pittsburgh - Plymouth
From coastal cities to America’s heartland, Paris to Pittsburgh celebrates how Americans are demanding and developing real solutions in the face of climate change. And as the weather grows more deadly and destructive, they aren’t waiting on Washington to act.
Please join us for a screening of Paris to Pittsburgh
Sponsored by Plymouth State University Common Ground and the League of Conservation Voters.
The event is free and open to the public
Refreshments will be served.
Following the film, we invite you to stay for an informative panel discussion on clean energy initiatives in New Hampshire and the New England region.
Tue30Apr20196:00 pmWalter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness)
An Acid Rain Retrospective: From Discovery to Controversy and Beyond by Scott Bailey, Hubbard Brook
For more information visit: https://www.squamlakes.org/events/science-pub-climate-change-solutions Join us in the lounge at Walter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness) to discuss Climate Change Solutions. Climate change is affecting our human and natural environments. Hear from people taking action to mitigate climate change consequences at the individual and community levels. Take part in a lively discussion after the presentation to discuss solutions we can implement at home and in our communities. Sponsored by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Conservation Society. Registration: Advance registration requested by calling Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 603-968-7194. Weather cancellations will be posted at nhnature.org.
Tue30Apr20196:30 pmPlymouth State University Memorial Hall, Room 103
Common Good Coalition of Plymouth NH In Cooperation with PSU Center for the Environment and NH Safe Water Alliance
Presents A Free Film showing of The Devil We Know.
Click here for the Facebook event listing and sign up. Tuesday, April 30 at 6:30p.m. Plymouth State University Memorial Hall, Room 103, The Devil We Know is the story of how one synthetic chemical, used to make Teflon products, contaminated a West Virginia community. New research suggests nearly all Americans have been exposed to non-stick chemicals in food, drinking water, and consumer products and that it’s in our blood. The film will be followed by a panel discussion lead by The Hon. Mindi Messmer and will offer suggestions about meaningful actions that you can take to demand clean drinking water in New Hampshire.
Tue14May20196:00 pmWalter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness)
NH Solar Shares: Community Funded Solar Energy for Income Eligible Families by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative
For more information visit: https://www.squamlakes.org/events/science-pub-climate-change-solutions Join us in the lounge at Walter's Basin Restaurant (Route 3 in Holderness) to discuss Climate Change Solutions. Climate change is affecting our human and natural environments. Hear from people taking action to mitigate climate change consequences at the individual and community levels. Take part in a lively discussion after the presentation to discuss solutions we can implement at home and in our communities. Sponsored by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Conservation Society. Registration: Advance registration requested by calling Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 603-968-7194. Weather cancellations will be posted at nhnature.org.
Thu12Sep201910:00 amMason Church Fellowship Hall, 33 Valley Rd. Mason, NH
Local Partners – Mason Energy Commission, Mason Conservation Commission, Mason Elementary School, Mason Church, Town of Mason, Temple Eco Energy Committee, Clean Energy NH
Presenter - Ted Stiles
Questions – Marina MacIntosh mbmac8@gmail.com
Tue24Sep20196:30 pmWilton Public Library, 7 Forest Road, Wilton, NH
Refreshments – yes
Local Partners – Souhegan Sustainability, Wilton Community Center, Wilton Public Library
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions - Sandy Lafleur, souhegansustainabilityfair@gmail.com, (603) 654-1245
Tue24Sep20196:30 pmSugar River Valley Technical Center 111 South St. Claremont, NH
Refreshments – yes
Local Partners – Home Depot of Claremont, Claremont Energy Advisor Committee, City of Claremont, LaValley’s Building Supply
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions - call Scott Osgood at 603-504-0347
Sat05Oct20196:30 pmUU Manchester Fellowship Hall, 669 Union Street, Manchester, NH
Local partners – QC Bike Collective, League of Conservation Voters, NH
ButtonUp, Citizens Climate Lobby, Area UU ChurchesPresenter – Andy Duncan
Questions – email Mary Till at mlt145@comcast.net
Thu17Oct20195:30 pmJaffrey Civic Center 40 Main St. Jaffery, NH
Refreshments – yes
Local partners – TBD
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions – Jaffrey Climate Initiative FB page or call Dorothy McCagg 401-837-1160
Fri25Oct20196:30 pmCampton Public Library at Campton Elementary School 1110 NH RTE 175 STE B Campton NH 03223
Refreshments – yes
Local partners – TBD
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions - email Robbin Adams at robbin@plymouthenergy.org
Tue12Nov20196:00 pmWalter's Basin, 859 US-3, Holderness, NH 03245
Join us in the lounge at Walter’s Basin for engaging evenings discussing climate change solutions over drinks and appetizers. Climate change is affecting our natural world and the animals (including we humans) that inhabit our planet in many ways. We will focus on solutions to this global problem. Different scientists and organizations will speak for about 30 minutes with a lively discussion to follow. Bring your questions and plan to contribute to this community conversation on climate change.
Sponsored by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Squam Lakes Association, and Squam Lakes Conservation Society.
Tonight's Topic: Changes, Projections, & Solutions by Dr. Elizabeth A Burakowski, Research Assistant Professor at UNH's Earth Systems Research Center & Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
Be a part of the conversation about local climate changes, future projections, and climate solutions with Dr. Elizabeth A Burakowski from UNH.
Cost: No charge to attend. Order and pay for food and drinks individually. Seating is lounge style. For dining with traditional seating, arrive early to eat in the dining room prior to 6:30 p.m. when the presentation starts in the lounge.
Registration: Advance registration requested by calling Squam Lakes Natural Science Center at 603-968-7194 x 7. Weather cancellations will be posted at nhnature.org.
Wed20Nov201910:00 amMAxT Makerspace, 49 Vose Farm Rd., Peterborough, NH
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Refreshments- Yes
Local partners- Peterborough Energy Committee, Monadnock Energy Hub
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions- Dori Drachman, dori.drachman@gmail.com, 603-547-0996 -
Wed20Nov20196:30 pmOrange Town House, 8 Town House Rd, Orange NH 03741
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local partners – Orange Conservation Commission and Canaan Conservation Commission
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions – Contact for questions someone that does not mind having there info in the paper and the flyer Tracy Hutchins, Orange Conservation Commission, tracyahb@gmail.com -
Wed04Dec20196:45 pmGilmanton Year-Round Library located at 1385 NH-140, Gilmanton Iron Works, NH
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local partners – Gilmanton Energy Committee, Gilmanton Year-Round Library
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions – email Sarah Thorne at scthorne350@gmail.com -
Mon06Jan20206:00 pmStarr King Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 101 Fairgrounds Road ~ Plymouth, NH
In 2019, NH SB-286 was adopted. This bill offers a number of exciting energy possibilities for our region and our communities. This presentation will be offered so the communities in the Pemi-Baker area can learn about bill and the opportunities.
Henry Herndon of Clean Energy NH will offer an explanation of the enabling legislation and how it could be implemented locally. For example, NH communities can cooperate on implementation, with the potential for cost-savings, energy-efficiency, and development of local renewable energy sources.
The NH Association of Counties states: “The services that counties and municipalities could provide include: the supply of electric power, demand-side management, conservation, meter reading, customer service, other related services and operation of energy efficiency and clean energy districts.”
For more information about the January contact: Henry Herndon henry@cleanenergynh.org
Sun12Jan20206:30 pmThe Flying Monkey, Plymouth NH
If you could know the truth about the threat of climate change — would you want to know? Before the Flood, presented by National Geographic, features Leonardo DiCaprio on a journey as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, traveling to five continents and the Arctic to witness climate change firsthand. He goes on expeditions with scientists uncovering the reality of climate change and meets with political leaders fighting against inaction. He also discovers a calculated disinformation campaign orchestrated by powerful special interests working to confuse the public about the urgency of the growing climate crisis. With unprecedented access to thought leaders around the world, DiCaprio searches for hope in a rising tide of catastrophic news.
Tue25Feb20206:30 pmBenz Center 18 Heard Rd. Center Sandwich, NH
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Fri06Mar20204:30pm - 8:00pmPlymouth Senior Center, Green St.Agenda4:30 - 5:30pm - PAREI Board of Directors Business Meeting (All Welcome)5:30pm - 6:30pm PAREI Equipment and Tool Rentals Display and Information, Program Info Tables5:30pm - 6:30pm Social Time - Potluck, BYOB6:40pm - Program1) A word from PAREI Co-Founders2) Carbon Cash Back Coalition’s Town Meeting Resolution Effort - Ted Vansant3) Solar Technology TrendsPrevent Waste! Please bring your own cup, plate and utensils.
Mon23Mar202010:00 amKeene Public Library, auditorium, Winter St. Keene NH
Note: Do to the COVID 19 virus this event has been postponed to a later date. Date and time is TBD so check back or follow us on Facebook to be informed as to the new date. Thank You.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local Partners –
Keene's Energy and Climate Committee
MPA Clean Energy Team
Monadnock Sustainability HubPresenter – Ted Stiles
Questions – Email Nancy Gillard at ndgillard@ne.rr.com
Refreshments will be served
Tue24Mar20206:00 pmMedallion Opera House, 20 Park St. Gorham, NH
Note: Do to the COVID 19 virus this event has been postponed to a later date. Date and time is TBD so check back or follow us on Facebook to be informed as to the new date. Thank You.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local Partners –
J. Myers Builders, Inc.
Romik Developers, LLC
Tri-County Community Action Programs, Inc
Shelburne Energy CommitteePresenter – Melissa Elander
Questions – Melissa Elander 603-991-7197 or melissa@cleanenergynh.org
Refreshments will be served.
Tue31Mar202010:00 amGeorge B. White Building 8 Raymond Rd. Deerfield NH 03037
Note: Do to the COVID 19 virus this event has been postponed to a later date. Date and time is TBD so check back or follow us on Facebook to be informed as to the new date. Thank You.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local Partners – Parade Properties, The Blue Bowl Store, Robert Mathews- Custom Shoemaker, Bear Brook Photography and Deerfield Energy Committee
Presenter – Andy Duncan
Questions – Wes Golomb 603-463-7537
Thu02Apr20206:00 pmPillsbury Library 18 East Main St. Warner, NH
Note: Do to the COVID 19 virus this event has been postponed to a later date. Date and time is TBD so check back or follow us on Facebook to be informed as to the new date. Thank You.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local partners – Pillsbury Library, Warner Selectmen, Warner Public Market, Main Street Bookends of Warner, and Sweet Beet Market of Bradford.
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions – Call Harry Seidel 603-748-1178 or email aresidentialdesign@gmail.com
Tue07Apr20204:00pm - 5:00pmhttps://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5116257807328604683?utm_source=NH+LES+Newsletter&utm_campaign=5fc5f732cb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_25_01_49&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_41a68e60e4-5fc5f732cb-184107617
Blurb: A Button Up Workshop is an hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful.
Presenter: Andy Duncan is the Energy Training Manager and Workforce Development Coordinator at Lakes Region Community College in Laconia, NH. He manages sustainable energy training and technical assistance programs around New Hampshire. Prior to LRCC, Andy co-owned a building energy performance company, and he has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment.
This webinar will be recorded and posted to https://www.nhenergy.org/webinars.html.
Wed22Apr202010:00 am Monroe Public Library 50 Main St. Monroe, NH
Note: Do to the COVID 19 virus this event has been postponed to a later date. Date and time is TBD so check back or follow us on Facebook to be informed as to the new date. Thank You.
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.
Local Partners –
Fogg’s Hardware
Monroe Country StorePresenter – Melissa Elander – North Country Circuit Rider, Clean Energy NH
Questions – email monroepubliclibrary@gmail.com or call Monroe Public Library at 603-638-4736
Refreshments will be served
Sat25Apr202010am to 3pmHolderness Town Gazebo behind Post OfficeThis year is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. Squam Lakes Natural Science Center, Holderness Recreation Department, Squam Lakes Association, and Holderness Free Library have teamed up to host this town-wide celebration to give back to the planet that sustains us. The day’s events include a roadside trash pickup, a plant-based zero-waste cookout, upcycled craft stations, climate action info tables, and Earth Heroes – a live animal program by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. Bike, walk, or carpool to the Town Gazebo to join in the festivities.Cost: No charge to attend. Advance registration required. Click here to register online or call the Squam Lakes Association at 603-968-7336.10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Roadside Trash Pickup12:00 to 2:00 p.m. – Plant-based Zero-waste Cookout12:00 to 2:00 p.m. – Upcycled Craft Stations & Climate Action Info Tables2:00-3:00 p.m. – Earth Heroes live animal program by Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
Tue11Aug202010:00 amZOOM with live Q&A
Virtual Button Up Workshop is a 11⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want touse energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful
For Information email: CanterburyEnergyCommitte@gmail.com for digital zoom address and/or questions.
Sponsored by: NHSaves www.nhsaves.com
Local Partner: Canterbury Energy Committee
Visit www.nhsaves.com/events for dates and locations of all Button Ups.
Workshops are organized by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, (PAREI) www.PlymouthEnergy.org • 603-536-5030
Tue06Oct20207:00 pmZOOM with live Q&A
Virtual Button Up Workshop is a 11⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful
For Information email: bcallaway65@gmail.com for digital zoom address and/or questions.
Sponsored by: NHSaves www.nhsaves.com
LOCAL PARTNERS: Sustainable Hanover Committee, Caanan Enfield Energy Committee, Plainfield and Cornish Energy Committees
Visit www.nhsaves.com/events for dates and locations of all Button Ups.
Workshops are organized by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, (PAREI) www.PlymouthEnergy.org • 603-536-5030
Wed07Oct20207:00 pmZOOM with live Q&A
Virtual Button Up Workshop is a 11⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful
For Information email: amy@tamworthlibrary.org for digital zoom address and/or questions.
Sponsored by: NHSaves www.nhsaves.com
LOCAL PARTNERS: Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth Community Nurse
Visit www.nhsaves.com/events for dates and locations of all Button Ups.
Workshops are organized by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, (PAREI) www.PlymouthEnergy.org • 603-536-5030
Wed18Nov20207:00 pmZOOM with live Q&A
Virtual Button Up Workshop is a 11⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful
For Information email: emily@cleanenergynh.org for digital zoom address and/or questions.
Sponsored by: NHSaves www.nhsaves.com
Visit www.nhsaves.com/events for dates and locations of all Button Ups.
Workshops are organized by Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative, (PAREI) www.PlymouthEnergy.org • 603-536-5030
Mon08Mar20219:00am - 1pmOn-Line
Join the League of Conservation Voters, Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, Revers Energy Center at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Stonyfield Organic and Sustainable Futures Consulting for the 2021 Youth Forum!
This event is geared towards engaging and connecting students and young professionals with Biden-Harris climate team leaders, New Hampshire’s Congressional delegation, scientists, business leaders, environmental and climate justice thought leaders, and state environmental decision-makers. The primary goals are to raise awareness around the implementation of climate and clean energy plans, discuss inter-generational science and policy opportunities for environmental justice, and explore job growth potential in an emerging clean energy economy.
All participants are welcome - community activists, energy committee members, scientists, elected officials and more. We highly encourage you to share this event with your networks, including students and young professionals as we work to shift the focus of the future into a sustainable and economically positive world for future generations.
For more information contact League of Conservation Voters New Hampshire State Director Rob Werner at rob_werner@lcv.org or (603) 674-9810.
Sun21Mar20215:00 pmOn-Line - Facebook - @littlegardensnh
Cook with us from your home kitchen. "Cooking with Root Vegetables." Butternut Squash Fritters, Beet Puree and Wilted Spinach Salad.
Find us at facebook.com @littlegardensnh
Mon26Apr20217:00 pmOn-LineJoin us for this informative presentation. NHSaves Virtual Button Up Workshop is a 11⁄2 hour presentation about improving the energy efficiency of your home. It covers energy saving tips and NHSaves energy efficiency programs. Learn about saving electricity, insulation and air sealing, energy audit and weatherization programs, rebates on electric and gas appliances, and other incentives from NH’s energy utilities. New Hampshire residents that want to use energy wisely and save money will find the information very useful.Monday April 26, 7:00ZOOM link: https://ccsnh.zoom.us/j/93346217950
Wed08Sep20216:30 amVirtual
Zoom: Virtual NHSaves Button Up Bristol
Date/Time: Wednesday September 8th 6:30-8:00pm
Presenters: Ted Stiles and Andy Duncan
Questions: metcalfjanetj@gmail.com
Local Partners: Bristol Energy Committee and Bristol Sustainability Committee
Join Zoom Meeting