Presentation starts at 6:30pm doors open at 6:00pm
Where – 175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth NH 03801
Refreshments – yes
Local partners – Seacoast Renewable Energy Initiative, Portsmouth Public Library, York Ready for 100% and Sustainable Seacoast
Presenter – Ted Stiles
Questions – Matt Silva, 603-765-6648
The NHSaves Button Up Workshop is a 1.5 hour presentation about how to improve the energy efficiency of your home. It is conducted by a certified energy auditor and covers basic building science principles as well as examples of whole house weatherization measures that will button up your home for the heating and cooling seasons. It also covers details about the energy efficiency programs offered by NH utilities (for existing homes and new construction) that provide energy audits, weatherization measures such as air sealing and insulating and rebates on new technologies and products such as electric and gas appliances and high efficiency electric heating/cooling equipment.