Commercial Energy Efficiency Trainings

Commercial Energy Efficiency Trainings

 Reduce building operating expenses and solve energy problems with this 1-day “Energy Efficiency for Commercial Building Managers” intensive training sponsored by NHSaves.  The same program will be in three more locations around New Hampshire- Portsmouth 2/13, Manchester 3/1 and Plymouth 3/14.  Topics range from LED lighting, cold climate heat pumps, air sealing, efficient motors, retrocommissioning and more.  For facilities and energy managers who are C&I customers of NHSaves utilities.  This intensive training highlights key points from Lakes Region Community College’s popular multi-day energy efficiency trainings. 

 Registration required and discounted $20 co-pay for advance reservations for this program valued at $160.  Includes continental breakfast, lunch and course materials.  Go to for more information and registration. 

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