Welcome to the Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative’s 2021 annual meeting 

The Many Sides of PAREI

The 2021 PAREI Annual Meeting looked a little different this year! Instead of just one meeting, we held a week of events to showcase the Many Sides of PAREI. 

We offered many opportunities to participate in PAREI including a Local Foods Plymouth Q and A session, NHSaves Button Up Home Energy Savings Workshop, two volunteer work day events at the Solar Shares pavilions, a Solar PV 101 presentation and a Tips for Spring Planting Workshop organized by our newest program – Little Gardens Everywhere. The events represented many aspects of PAREI’s daily services to the Plymouth area community. You can re-live some of the annual meeting events with us here! 

Annual Meeting Recap

Volunteers shovel woodchips to mulch the garden beds during the annual meeting workday at NH Solar Shares pavilions in Plymouth
Little Gardens Everywhere volunteer, Amey Bailey, mulches a garden space for peppers that will be grown at the edible public garden on the Solar Shares site
Volunteers from NH Electric Cooperative, Plymouth State’s Geography Club and PAREI members and staff prepare an area for a picnic table at the “Look-Out” uphill from the solar pavilions

Videos and presentations

Little Gardens Everywhere – Plan for Planting: Tips for Success and Less Stress in Your New Garden with master gardener Laura Richardson.

NHSaves Button Up is a statewide workshop program run by PAREI and funded by NH’s utilities. If you missed it, watch this workshop to learn how to button up your home and take advantage of the many energy efficiency programs offered by the utilities.

The annual meeting included a welcome from Board President, Zak Brohinsky, a 2020 presentation on PAREI’s finances and strategic plan by Director Sandra Jones and a presentation about energy efficiency programs, climate survey and solar from Craig Snow of NH Electric Cooperative.

Volunteer Opportunities

Lisa Leary presented volunteer opportunities for PAREI’s programs. Check out these slides to choose a task from our Green Circle, Blue Square or Black Diamond volunteer and participation opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunities

Then take this volunteer survey and we will follow up with you soon:
Volunteer Survey

We were humbled that our U.S. Representative Annie Kuster joined us as a featured guest.

PAREI would like to thank the NH Charitable Foundation for the grant that supports the work on our 5 year strategic plan - strengthening PAREI for the next generation of community leaders.

PDF of PAREI 2021 Annual Meeting PPT. 

Financial support is needed to strengthen the programming offered by the Many Sides of PAREI – please donate here